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Bonham High School

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What is a CCMR Point and how do you earn it?

College Career Military Readines (CCMR) is about preparing students for life after graduation and consists of curriculum, resources, programs, and activities that help students have the tools they need to be enrolled, employed, or enlisted after high school. CCMR is integrated into the everyday culture of our district through our advanced academics and career planning, and is supported by state guidelines, partnerships with higher education organizations and businesses. The CCMR point is awarded based on a set of indicators defined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) that students must meet in order to be considered college, career or military ready.  Student will earn thier CCMR point upon meeting one of the indicators established by TEA.  Earning your point means that you have met CCMR requirements, more importantly that you have the skills and knowledge necessary to be enrolled, employed, or enlisted after high school.