Suicide: Awareness, Relationships, and Communication - Foundation for Change
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for individuals ages 10-14 years of age. Suicide among teens and young adults has tripled within the past 15-20 years.
The key to addressing this growing concern lies not in hiding from it, or fearing the possibility. The answer lies in building healthy relationships. In other words, showing genuine care and concern for people who are struggling and feel completely alone in their pain. This site provides valuable information about ways to help the people you already know who may be considering suicide as their only way out of darkness. Choose to be instead the light guiding that person to hope. This website has tools to help you reach out and offer a hand up out of that dark place.
Bullying Awareness: What Is Bullying? How Do Our Actions Affect Others
Bullying is an epidemic affecting many teens across the United States and the world. Each person has the opportunity to choose to be a part of tearing another person down, or standing up for others. Awareness, kindness, consideration for others, empathy (realizing how others must feel), and acting in ways that promote positive views of self and others are the only true ways to develop healthy interaction. Hopefully these videos help peers better identify bullying and stand up with all those who deserve to be treated with respect.
"Discovering What Kids Need to Succeed"
Loneliness is the greatest and most detrimental outcry of youth today. As it turns out, research has shown that no technique, teaching skill, talent, or other outside source is so powerful as the human connection established in genuine relationships. Discover ways to build meaningful relationships and create internal change for yourself, teens, families, and communities.
The mission of the Why Try program is to help people achieve freedom, opportunity, and self-respect through education and interventions that motivate and create positive change. We offer hope and an answer to the question: "Why try in life?"
Love and Logic® provides simple and practical techniques to help parents and teachers with kids of all ages: raise responsible kids and easily and immediately (from first use) change their children's behavior. Bonham ISD and Julia Bourcier's website are not associated with or sponsored by the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic ® is a registered trademark of the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic ® was founded by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D., with continued creative and operational direction by Charles Fay, Ph.D. It is based on the experience of a combined total of over 100 years working with and raising kids and is based on a psychologically sound parenting and teaching philosophy called Love and Logic ®. For more information, please call 1-800-338-4065.
High School Safety: Are Drills REALLY that serious?
Journalism students at a high school take a serious look at the drills for their school. Although there are several beneficial aspects, they uncover areas that haven not been addressed like: What to do during student lunches? What happens when students are locked out? What areas might allow unexpected access to students or cause students to be “bottlenecked” into small areas?
Most importantly: What do students believe about how serious the situation really is or whether they think the drill will ever be needed for them and their friends?